Wet Tail

Wet tail is a very common and serious disease among hamsters and can even cause death. This disease is highly contagious, and happens most often in recently weaned hamsters. It can be caused by stress, overcrowding and diet change. Symptoms include diarrhea, lethargic behavior, loss of appetite, and ruffled coat. If you think your hamster has wet tail see a vet immediately.

Bumble Foot

Bumble foot is cause by wire flooring or dirty bedding. It happens when the hamster walks on the flooring and gets a small laceration or indention on their foot. It looks like there are little red bumps on the foot and paw of the hamster. Once it gets infected, it can progress to scab over which is when it can be deadly. You can see a vet for information on how to treat it. If it becomes serious, surgery may be required.


Hamsters can get cancer just like humans. The most common kind is tumors. If your hamster has a tumor, there really isn't much you can do. Sadly, your hamster will most likely have to be put down to put it out of its misery. Signs are bloating and slowed or even no moment. If you your hamster has these symptoms please see a vet immediately. 

Bladder Stones

Hamsters can form stones in their urinary tract that cause extreme pain and discomfort. It is very hard to identify a bladder stone but frequent urination is one common sign. These stones can be taken out by a professional veterinarian.