Everything listed below can be found at Petsmart.

Cages And Tanks

Hamsters need a place to live.  I recommended using an aquarium but if that is not possible, then you can use a cage. The tank should be 20 gallons (long version) minimum. A cage should be 12in wide by 12in long by 10in tall. You can find all these at Petsmart. Also make sure that you don't use cages with a wire bottom or hamsters can get bumblefoot (for more info see Disease, Sickness and Injuries).

P.S.- If you get an aquarium then be sure to get your hamster extra chew sticks.


Hamsters need a good variety of seeds and pellets in their food. Usually if the food says Fortidiet on the bag then it is good food. If you are going to switch the hamsters food then do it gradually. Give them
25% new food 75% old food the first week
50% new food 50% old food the second week
75% new food 25% old food the third week
and finally 100% new food the forth week.
The reason for this is hamsters have delicate digestive systems and can't just switch food like humans.


A good kind of bedding is Care Fresh, it absorbs odor and is soft on hamsters feet. If that is out of your price range then aspen is a great alternative. Bedding you should avoid is ceder, pine, and scented chips. These can lead to respiratory problems and if eaten digestive problems.

Food Bowls and Water Bottles

For hamsters, strong plastic food bowls are okay but ceramic bowls are less likely to get chewed. Water bottles can also be plastic but once again it must be strong plastic or glass bottles work well too.


Wheels I recommend are the Silent Spinner and the Run-Round. These both are safe on their feet and inexpensive. The silent spinner is my personal favorite because my hamster used to keep me up at night but with the silent spinner that problem was solved. One Wheel to avoid though is the comfort wheel; it can cause severe back problems and even kill your hamster. 


A Running ball is a necessity unless you have a playpen. Hamsters love some free time in their ball and can explore your home safely. The ball is also very helpful for when the hamster must go somewhere while you clean its cage.  


Every hamster needs a place to retreat to when they feel in danger or just to take a nice nap. The hideaway is just that for a hamster.  The igloo is what I personally have had the most luck with. There are also other eatable hideaways which I've heard hamsters like too.